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Trojan:JS/Febipos, Trojan.Febipos


Trojan:W32/Febipos is a browser extension that hijacks Facebook postings to make unsolicited postings, shares, invites and so on.


Based on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either move the file to the quarantine where it cannot spread or cause harm, or remove it.

A False Positive is when a file is incorrectly detected as harmful, usually because its code or behavior resembles known harmful programs. A False Positive will usually be fixed in a subsequent database update without any action needed on your part. If you wish, you may also:

  • Check for the latest database updates

    First check if your F-Secure security program is using the latest updates, then try scanning the file again.

  • Submit a sample

    After checking, if you still believe the file is incorrectly detected, you can submit a sample of it for re-analysis.

    Note: If the file was moved to quarantine, you need to collect the file from quarantine before you can submit it.

  • Exclude a file from further scanning

    If you are certain that the file is safe and want to continue using it, you can exclude it from further scanning by the F-Secure security product.

    Note: You need administrative rights to change the settings.

Technical Details

Trojan:W32/Febipos is distributed in executable files, which typically use some form of social engineering to appear legitimate and desirable.

Once installed, the trojan connects to a remove server for instructions. Once the user is logged into Facebook, the trojan performs unsolicited actions in the user's account. Actions include posting and sharing content, liking posts, joining groups and so on. Posted content typically includes links to products or sites being promoted by the malware operator.

Browsers supported by Febipos include Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. One sample reportedly found also targets Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Febipos is reportedly particularly active in Brazil.